Please select your colour

The dropdown is very self-explanatory, it provides to

        "type": "DROPDOWN",
        "id": "colour",
        "title": "Please select your colour",
        "force_input": true,
        "options": [
            "value": "#190425",
            "name": "Black",
            "add_to_price": [
              50000000, // Bitcoin
              300000000 // Particl
            "value": "#103584",
            "name": "Blue",
            "add_to_price": [
              200000000, // Bitcoin
              1200000000 // Particl

note: comments // are invalid JSON, do not include these in a real listing.

Minimal version

An object with the type DROPDOWN must atleast contain the following fields. If any of these fields are missing then the dropdown object is rejected.

        "type": "DROPDOWN",
        "id": "colour",
        "title": "Please select your colour",
        "options": [
            "value": "black"
            "value": "blue"

The following fields are optional:

  • force_input: default value is false.
  • name: If name field is unspecified or empty, then the value field is displayed.
  • add_to_price: Default value is an array of zero for each cryptocurrency. The price array follows the same order as specified in the payment field.