Extended Market Listing

The extended market listing format also includes optional fields that are not required by default to be present in the listing.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • location
  • shipping_destinations
  • images
  • payment
  • objects

Full example

  "version": "",
  "item": {
    "information": {
      "title": "Title of the item",
      "short_description": "A short description / summary of item",
      "long_description": "A longer description of the item or service",
      "category": [ "Electronics", "Smartphones", "Android" ],
      "location": {
        "country": "CZE",
        "address": "Dělnická 43, Praha 7",
        "gps": {
          "marker_title": "Bitcoin Coffee",
          "marker_text": "A café where you can buy drinks with Bitcoin!",
          "lng": "50.1034189",
          "lat": "14.4504915"
      "shipping_destinations": [
      "images": [
          "hash": "9b45c..702",
          "data": [
              "protocol": "LOCAL",
              "encoding": "BASE64",
              "data": "BASE64 encoded image data"
          "hash": "f84f0..702",
          "data": [
              "protocol": "IPFS",
              "id": "f84f0..702"
              "protocol": "HTTPS",
              "id": "https://link.to/image1"
              "protocol": "ONION",
              "id": "https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/assets/logo_homepage.normal.v107.png"
              "protocol": "SMSG"
    "payment": {
      "type": "SALE",
      "escrow": {
        "type": "MAD",
        "ratio": {
          "buyer": 100,
          "seller": 100
      "cryptocurrency": [
          "currency": "BITCOIN",
          "base_price": 100000000,
          "shipping_price": {
            "domestic": 50000000,
            "international": 300000000
          "address": {
            "type": "NORMAL",
            "address": "VendorXeUxhDygWCVbR9kU1TKBZDLCrxgxo"
          "currency": "PARTICL",
          "base_price": 600000000,
          "shipping_price": {
            "domestic": 50000000,
            "international": 300000000
          "address": {
            "type": "STEALTH",
            "address": "VendorStealthAddressXeUxhDygWCVbR9kU1TKBZDLCrxgxo"
    "messaging": [
        "protocol": "SMSG",
        "public_key": "SMSG-publickey"
    "objects": [
        "type": "TABLE",
        "title": "Product information",
        "table": [
            "key": "Screensize",
            "value": "17.8 inch"
            "key": "Gpu",
            "value": "NVidia 950"
        "type": "DROPDOWN",
        "id": "colour",
        "title": "Please select your colour",
        "force_input": true,
        "options": [
            "value": "#190425",
            "name": "Black",
            "add_to_price": [
            "value": "#103584",
            "name": "Blue",
            "add_to_price": [


Chessboard with one missing piece (rat included)

A very small description goes here!

Price: 0.00005 BTC

A much longer description goes here but I'm quite lazy actually..