ISO 3166-1

The ISO standard was created somewhere in the '70s and has gotten outdated by now. The maintenancy agency ISO 3166/MA does provide updates and the current state is as documented below, as of 27th of August 2017 (unix timestamp 1503786800).

We crafted a JSON map (displayed at the bottom of this page), specifically for OMP, which you can download here.

We took the liberty of adding custom codes (adopted from NATO) to support continents.

  ABB Asia
  EEE Europe
  FFF Africa
  NNN North America
  SRR South America
  UUU Oceania
  NTT NATO countries

ISO 3166

You can download this file here! (MIT license).

"map" : {
   "ABB": "Asia",
   "ABW": "Aruba",
   "AFG": "Afghanistan",
   "AGO": "Angola",
   "AIA": "Anguilla",
   "ALA": "Åland Islands",
   "ALB": "Albania",
   "AND": "Andorra",
   "ANT": "Netherlands Antilles",
   "ARE": "United Arab Emirates",
   "ARG": "Argentina",
   "ARM": "Armenia",
   "ASM": "American Samoa",
   "ATA": "Antarctica",
   "ATF": "French Southern Territories",
   "ATG": "Antigua and Barbuda",
   "AUS": "Australia",
   "AUT": "Austria",
   "AZE": "Azerbaijan",
   "BDI": "Burundi",
   "BEL": "Belgium",
   "BEN": "Benin",
   "BFA": "Burkina Faso",
   "BGD": "Bangladesh",
   "BGR": "Bulgaria",
   "BHR": "Bahrain",
   "BHS": "Bahamas",
   "BIH": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
   "BLM": "Saint Barthélemy",
   "BLR": "Belarus",
   "BLZ": "Belize",
   "BMU": "Bermuda",
   "BOL": "Bolivia",
   "BRA": "Brazil",
   "BRB": "Barbados",
   "BRN": "Brunei Darussalam",
   "BTN": "Bhutan",
   "BVT": "Bouvet Island",
   "BWA": "Botswana",
   "CAF": "Central African Republic",
   "CAN": "Canada",
   "CCK": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
   "CHE": "Switzerland",
   "CHL": "Chile",
   "CHN": "China",
   "CIV": "Côte d'Ivoire",
   "CMR": "Cameroon",
   "COD": "The Democratic Republic of the Congo",
   "COG": "Congo",
   "COK": "Cook Islands",
   "COL": "Colombia",
   "COM": "Comoros",
   "CPV": "Cape Verde",
   "CRI": "Costa Rica",
   "CUB": "Cuba",
   "CXR": "Christmas Island",
   "CYM": "Cayman Islands",
   "CYP": "Cyprus",
   "CZE": "Czech Republic",
   "DEU": "Germany",
   "DJI": "Djibouti",
   "DMA": "Dominica",
   "DNK": "Denmark",
   "DOM": "Dominican Republic",
   "DZA": "Algeria",
   "ECU": "Ecuador",
   "EEE": "Europe",
   "EGY": "Egypt",
   "ERI": "Eritrea",
   "ESH": "Western Sahara",
   "ESP": "Spain",
   "EST": "Estonia",
   "ETH": "Ethiopia",
   "FFF": "Africa",
   "FIN": "Finland",
   "FJI": "Fiji",
   "FLK": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
   "FRA": "France",
   "FRO": "Faroe Islands",
   "FSM": "Micronesia",
   "GAB": "Gabon",
   "GBR": "United Kingdom",
   "GEO": "Georgia",
   "GGY": "Guernsey",
   "GHA": "Ghana",
   "GIB": "Gibraltar",
   "GIN": "Guinea",
   "GLP": "Guadeloupe",
   "GMB": "Gambia",
   "GNB": "Guinea-Bissau",
   "GNQ": "Equatorial Guinea",
   "GRC": "Greece",
   "GRD": "Grenada",
   "GRL": "Greenland",
   "GTM": "Guatemala",
   "GUF": "French Guiana",
   "GUM": "Guam",
   "GUY": "Guyana",
   "HKG": "Hong Kong",
   "HMD": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
   "HND": "Honduras",
   "HRV": "Croatia",
   "HTI": "Haiti",
   "HUN": "Hungary",
   "IDN": "Indonesia",
   "IMN": "Isle of Man",
   "IND": "India",
   "IOT": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
   "IRL": "Ireland",
   "IRN": "Iran",
   "IRQ": "Iraq",
   "ISL": "Iceland",
   "ISR": "Israel",
   "ITA": "Italy",
   "JAM": "Jamaica",
   "JEY": "Jersey",
   "JOR": "Jordan",
   "JPN": "Japan",
   "KAZ": "Kazakhstan",
   "KEN": "Kenya",
   "KGZ": "Kyrgyzstan",
   "KHM": "Cambodia",
   "KIR": "Kiribati",
   "KNA": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
   "KOR": "Korea, Republic of",
   "KWT": "Kuwait",
   "LAO": "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
   "LBN": "Lebanon",
   "LBR": "Liberia",
   "LBY": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya",
   "LCA": "Saint Lucia",
   "LIE": "Liechtenstein",
   "LKA": "Sri Lanka",
   "LSO": "Lesotho",
   "LTU": "Lithuania",
   "LUX": "Luxembourg",
   "LVA": "Latvia",
   "MAC": "Macao",
   "MAF": "Saint Martin (French part)",
   "MAR": "Morocco",
   "MCO": "Monaco",
   "MDA": "Moldova",
   "MDG": "Madagascar",
   "MDV": "Maldives",
   "MEX": "Mexico",
   "MHL": "Marshall Islands",
   "MKD": "Macedonia",
   "MLI": "Mali",
   "MLT": "Malta",
   "MMR": "Myanmar",
   "MNE": "Montenegro",
   "MNG": "Mongolia",
   "MNP": "Northern Mariana Islands",
   "MOZ": "Mozambique",
   "MRT": "Mauritania",
   "MSR": "Montserrat",
   "MTQ": "Martinique",
   "MUS": "Mauritius",
   "MWI": "Malawi",
   "MYS": "Malaysia",
   "MYT": "Mayotte",
   "NAM": "Namibia",
   "NCL": "New Caledonia",
   "NER": "Niger",
   "NFK": "Norfolk Island",
   "NGA": "Nigeria",
   "NIC": "Nicaragua",
   "NIU": "Niue",
   "NLD": "Netherlands",
   "NNN": "North America",
   "NOR": "Norway",
   "NPL": "Nepal",
   "NRU": "Nauru",
   "NTT": "NATO countries",
   "NZL": "New Zealand",
   "OMN": "Oman",
   "PAK": "Pakistan",
   "PAN": "Panama",
   "PCN": "Pitcairn",
   "PER": "Peru",
   "PHL": "Philippines",
   "PLW": "Palau",
   "PNG": "Papua New Guinea",
   "POL": "Poland",
   "PRI": "Puerto Rico",
   "PRK": "North Korea",
   "PRT": "Portugal",
   "PRY": "Paraguay",
   "PSE": "Occupied Palestinian Territory",
   "PYF": "French Polynesia",
   "QAT": "Qatar",
   "REU": "Réunion",
   "ROU": "Romania",
   "RUS": "Russian Federation",
   "RWA": "Rwanda",
   "SAU": "Saudi Arabia",
   "SDN": "Sudan",
   "SEN": "Senegal",
   "SGP": "Singapore",
   "SGS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
   "SHN": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha",
   "SJM": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
   "SLB": "Solomon Islands",
   "SLE": "Sierra Leone",
   "SLV": "El Salvador",
   "SMR": "San Marino",
   "SOM": "Somalia",
   "SPM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
   "SRB": "Serbia",
   "SRR": "South America",
   "STP": "Sao Tome and Principe",
   "SUR": "Suriname",
   "SVK": "Slovakia",
   "SVN": "Slovenia",
   "SWE": "Sweden",
   "SWZ": "Swaziland",
   "SYC": "Seychelles",
   "SYR": "Syrian Arab Republic",
   "TCA": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
   "TCD": "Chad",
   "TGO": "Togo",
   "THA": "Thailand",
   "TJK": "Tajikistan",
   "TKL": "Tokelau",
   "TKM": "Turkmenistan",
   "TLS": "Timor-Leste",
   "TON": "Tonga",
   "TTO": "Trinidad and Tobago",
   "TUN": "Tunisia",
   "TUR": "Turkey",
   "TUV": "Tuvalu",
   "TWN": "Taiwan, Province of China",
   "TZA": "Tanzania",
   "UGA": "Uganda",
   "UKR": "Ukraine",
   "UMI": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
   "URY": "Uruguay",
   "USA": "United States",
   "UUU": "Oceania",
   "UZB": "Uzbekistan",
   "VAT": "Holy See (Vatican City State)",
   "VCT": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
   "VEN": "Venezuela",
   "VGB": "Virgin Islands, British",
   "VIR": "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
   "VNM": "Viet Nam",
   "VUT": "Vanuatu",
   "WLF": "Wallis and Futuna",
   "WSM": "Samoa",
   "YEM": "Yemen",
   "ZAF": "South Africa",
   "ZMB": "Zambia",
   "ZWE": "Zimbabwe"

license of ISO3166-1.json: MIT